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Our Services

At Five Towns CBT, we offer a range of treatment options. At our initial consultation, we will create a plan that best fits with your needs.

How We Can Help

Individual Therapy

Weekly individual therapy providing evidence- based interventions. This level of care is appropriate for most individuals.

Exposure & Response Prevention (ERP)

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is the gold standard psychotherapy for OCD and related disorders.

Intensive ERP

Up to 3 sessions per week may be available for intensive treatment of OCD and related disorders.

Family Therapy

OCD and anxiety often coexist with stressful family interactions. Family therapy as an adjunct to individual therapy helps the family to support treatment effectively.

What We Can Help With

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Anxiety disorders affect millions of adults in the United States. While anyone can feel anxious at times, people who suffer from OCD and anxiety disorders can feel a tremendous amount of distress. Living with OCD and Anxiety can be so intense that it interferes with daily functioning.


There are very effective methods for dealing with OCD and Anxiety, but only 1 in 4 individuals end up receiving the treatments that can bring relief and a return to their desired state of living.


OCD and Anxiety can take on many forms. At Five Towns CBT, we are trained and experienced in providing therapies for a wide range of OCD and Anxiety disorders. Keep reading to learn more about some of the different forms that we treat.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, affects about 3% of the population and can cause very significant distress and impairment. The primary symptoms of OCD are obsessions, compulsions, and avoidance. Obsessions intrusive thoughts or urges that are very uncomfortable and unwanted, usually related to doubt, that cause anxiety or guilt. Often the doubts are about contamination, mistakes, or causing harm.  The distress created by these doubts often leads their person to feel compelled to engage in repetitive behaviors or thoughts (compulsions) such as checking, washing, or seeking reassurance


PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome , formerly known as PANDAS) can be characterized by the sudden onset of OCD symptoms in children associated with certain types of strep infections.  While the prevalence of PANS remains a matter of debate in the medical community, the psychotherapy that is used for PANDAS is the same as other forms of OCD.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

BDD, or Body Dysmorphic Disorder, describes an excessive and harmful anxiety regarding aspects of one’s appearance. Unhelpful behaviors range from excessive mirror checking to, in some cases, seeking out repeated cosmetic surgeries. Exposure and response prevention combined with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) are evidence based treatments for BDD.


Tic Disorders, including Tourette’s Syndrome, involve sudden, repetitive, and involuntary movements or vocalizations. CBT is the primary evidence based treatment for tics.


Trichotillomania describes repetitive and highly habitual hair pulling. In many cases this leads to bald spots.

Excoriation Disorder / Dermatillomania

Excoriation Disorder / Dermatillomania is repetitive and habitual skin picking, often leading to bleeding and scarring in the affected area.  Both Trichotillomania and Dermatillomania are treated with HRT, or Habit Reversal Training, as well as ACT.


OCPD (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder) is similar to OCD in that it involves pervasive patterns of rigidity and unhelpful perfectionism. They are different in that people  with OCD find their thoughts intrusive and unwanted, whereas those with OCPD tend to view their high standards as appropriate. Nonetheless, people with OCPD often seek help when they begin to find their high standards are resulting in interpersonal conflict, overworking, procrastination, or chronic sense of failure.

Anxiety Disorders

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

The main feature of GAD is uncontrollable worry. Usually, the worry is about typical subjects like finances, health, or children. However, the person with GAD struggles to ever stop worrying , and often has difficulty sleeping, or uncomfortable physical symptoms such as heart pounding, tension, sweating, or gastrointestinal discomfort.

Social Anxiety Disorder

For people experiencing Social Anxiety Disorder, social situations usually provoke fear of embarrassment- fear that one will be judged negatively, or fear that one’s anxiety will be obvious. Additionally, social situations are avoided or endured with great difficulty.

Panic Disorder

Panic Disorder occurs when people have repeated panic attacks, which are episodes of extreme and sudden anxiety, usually accompanied by an urge to escape, feeling of imminent danger, and various physical symptoms. This is often accompanied by chronic fear of having another panic attack and/or Agoraphobia, which is extensive avoidance  and restriction of going outside the house or traveling


Phobias are fears of specific situations or creatures, including animals, enclosed spaces and various others. As in Social Anxiety Disorder, the feared situations are avoided or endured with great difficulty.

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

PTSD can occur as a reaction to particular kinds of traumatic events, including situations when the person’s life was in danger, a loved one died suddenly, or in cases of sexual assault.  Also included is repeated exposed to death or violence, as in the case of combat veterans and first responders.

Treatments We Employ


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.  This  is a form of psychotherapy that is collaborative and goal -directed, emphasizing change by addressing  thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. CBT tends to be hands- on and usually includes homework and practice as a central element. CBT interventions are evidence based, meaning that they have been developed based on decades of foundational research and clinical trials. CBT is also an umbrella term for many different therapies that adhere to its basic principles.


Exposure & Response Prevention (ERP)


Decades of research and clinical experience support ERP as the gold-standard for treatment of OCD. About 75-80% of those participating in ERP show significant and durable improvement.

Time Limited

ERP is designed to be a short term treatment, intended to take weeks or months, not years. The majority of people who adhere to ERP benefit within this time frame.

Face your fear-and win

During ERP, you will work with your therapist to systematically overcome your fears and eliminate reliance on repetitive or ritualized behaviors. Your therapist will support you as you learn to master your anxiety.


The goal of ERP is freedom: freedom from burdensome rituals and worry, freedom from avoidance, and most of all, freedom to live your best life



Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

ACT, or acceptance and commitment therapy, is a unique approach within the CBT umbrella. ACT can be thought of as a philosophy almost as much as it is a treatment. It is about developing a different and more open relationship with life and experience, so that more energy is spent on living a valued life and less on repetitive and unsuccessful attempts to limit pain. ACT is highly compatible with ERP and often used in conjunction.

Who We Treat

We Treat Adolescents & Adults - Ages 13 And Up

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123 Grove Ave, Suite 102, Cedarhurst, NY, 11516

Five Towns CBT is Five Towns Behavioral Psychology, PC, a NY professional corporation

© 2024 Five Towns CBT

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